Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Gift Giving Projects - DONE!!

So I finally finished all but one my sewing gift projects. The quilt is for a friend who is having a baby girl in early April. Obviously the baby's name is Nadia. It came out better once I figured out how to make the zig zags line up. I followed this tutorial and this one. It is pretty much the same tutorial but one had better pictures in my opinion and it helped when it came time to putting it together. 
It was my first time making this particular pattern and I love it but I think I would love it more with solid colors. I can see yellow, gray, black, and white. But for now I have about 3-4 other projects to tackle and one of them is huge. More to come later on that one. 
The back of the quilt is just a whatever kind of pattern. If it looked liked it would fit I sewed it. I originally thought I was going to have a few more larger pieces but I ended up with two big pieces. I was going to leave them there, but Tim pointed out that it didn't look right/it was missing something. 
 I ended up deciding on putting her name there. It was more work that what I wanted to do and it made quilting it a little harder because I didn't want to quilt over her name. But I figured it out and put some hearts in the other square and called it done. I'm glad that Tim made me put something there because it looks awesome. I'm not sure what side should be the front because they both look really nice but I decided the chevron would be the front.

Next up, the Cover Family. Beth has been saying that she wanted pillows for her couch for a few months no so I thought I could make them.
I don't have a clear favorite but I do like the Cover5 pillow. I thought Cover to the 5th power (mom, dad, and 3 girls). I like it. Beth did too so it's a win - win. 
 Beth has an red, white, and blue patriotic theme to her house so why not add another flag to the collection. I like this one too. It might be time to make a few pillows for my house.

Each of the Cover girls got a name pillow too. They came out really well, I like them. I used Heather Bailey's Fresh Cut collection
 Last but not least is a name pillow for Max's godmother, Christine's daughter, Brooke. It is a very late birthday present that just needs to make it to the post office. I also used Heather Bailey's Fresh Cut collection.

For all the names on all the pillows I used this tutorial.

 On to the next project...Nana's King sized quilt. Eck!! Wish me luck.


Chris said...

Beautifully done!!!

Snowcatcher said...

That's a heck of a lot of finishes! I love that the quilt is reversible, and that flag pillow is awesome.

Anonymous said...

love the quilt! it's sweet and light and just perfect for a baby girl.

Gemini Jen NZ said...

Fantastic work, I really love the baby quilt, must get some sewing down this weekend myself I think!