Thursday, March 21, 2013

Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes

Saint Patrick's Day is one of my favorite holidays, if it is really considered a holiday. Each year from as far back as I can remember we always at corned beef and cabbage. When I got married I still make corned beef and cabbage but wanted some sort of dessert to go with it. My mom gave me a great recipe of Irish Soda Bread (minus the raisins) and that's what I would make...until last year.
 Last year my friend, Beth, found a recipe for Irish Car Bomb cupcakes and I knew I had to make them. So my good friend Pinterest was the source of my recipe last year and they came out okay. I mean you know how it is when you first make something, you figure out what works and what doesn't.

This year I used this recipe and they were awesome!!!! I can not stress how awesome they were to eat. The cake portion has the Guinness, the gauche has the Jameson, and the frosting has a generous amount of Bailey's. My only change would be to add just a touch more Guinness to the cake portion. Other than that, I think its perfect.

 Everyone that has eaten one of these cupcakes has loved them! I really need to work on my decorating skills. I tried the "ice cream cone" look and well I think I need to take a class or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks amazing! I think your icing looks great