Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Constant Battle

My weight has been an issue for all of my life. I have (nor ever will) never been the skinny girl. I was born big boned and broad in all areas of my body. My build has always been more of what I like to call a "thick" girl which really means I'm pretty muscular but with some squishy parts. It's not a bad thing, I was usually stronger than most other girls.

Since being married I have slowly put weight on. It was always 5 lbs. here, 5 lbs. there and it was never a huge deal. I could always get into my size 10/12 jeans and I was good with that. I never really  had to work at staying super fit because I have held a lot of manual labor jobs where just going to work was a workout.

In 2008 we moved (PCSed) to another base in England and thus I lost my manual labor job. I tried to get another job and the one that I ended up getting I was doing a lot of sitting around. It was a great job with not a lot of activity so more weight began to pile on. Then I got pregnant in 2009.

It was game over after that. I put on almost 80 lbs when I was pregnant. I truly believe that if I just walked more (like Tim told me to) that it wouldn't have been as bad. After giving birth I lost about 20 lbs. right away, then lost about 20 lbs more from just breast feeding and doing really light activity. I finally leveled off at about 40-45 lbs from my starting weight of getting pregnant. I was stuck!

I tried pretty much everything to lose weight. I bought two different workout video programs, joined the YMCA, started running outside, rode my elliptical during nap time, walked with neighbors, the list goes on. None of it really worked. But to be totally honest I didn't have my whole heart into it and  (looking back) I set my goals to high and to complicated. After that I knew I had to come up with a new plan.

My plan I knew would have to be drastic but simple at the same time. I have watched a friend of mine doing really well with Turbo Fire from Beachbody and I had the videos just never the done more than 2 of the videos. So here were my goals:

1. Never miss a Monday
2. Do every video in the program
3. Don't pay attention to the scale, just look at the Before/After pictures

So right after my 34th birthday in March I started. I started slow by just doing the elliptical during nap time the first week. The second week I did better on my diet and still did the elliptical at nap time and finally the third week I started the videos. They were really hard at first and very long because I was having to watch the break down of each video to know what I was doing. It sucked but I started to see results...slowly.

So that's where I am now, slow progress. The picture above say 15 lbs but that is my overall weight loss from when I started wearing my FitBit. I'm really at about 10 lbs, but that's 10 pounds that hasn't come back. I still have a long way to go, but it's a start for now. I'm not quite ready to give exact numbers or post my gross before and after pictures, in due time I suppose.

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