Thursday, May 18, 2006


So I'm avoiding my homework for school. I know that I will have to it tonight and I'm sure once I post I will get on it but I just can't get motivated for this class. I guess it is because it is the last one. Ya know, senioritis...well I have it BAD!! I still have lots of stuff to do around the house. I need to paint the hallway (yes, I still haven't done that yet), finish painting the trim in the bathroom, clean my fish tank, wash all the blankets,do my homework, and well lots of other stuff that I can't think of at this moment in time. I'm kinda lonely too. Tim is on a different shift and I haven't really talked to him in like 2 days now. He is working really hard to catch up and I haven't talk to him about this girl that I'm working with at school or what happened yesterday, my first day alone in class. I guess I will tell you guys that way I can just have him read it later, he won't but that is what I'm telling myself.

So I had 1st period prep yesterday. I could have come in at 9 am but I told the other PE teachers that I would help them get started with their classes and time and stuff like that. So I went down and gave them a few options to go outside and play soccer or play indoor. I gave them ground rules and for the most part kept things in line with the kids. I said okay, I'm going to be in the office if you guys need anything. I went out towards to end of class to make sure that things were okay and to tell them it was time to get dressed. So as the bell rung I had about 8-10 girls coming at me and the other teachers saying that there stuff had been stolen. They had their cell phones and money stolen out of the locker room. I'm thinking great, I have been on my one for less than 2 hours and I'm already having problems. To make a long story short their was nothing that could really be done. The girls reported who they thought did it and I have an idea but I wasn't the one running class so what are you going to do right. So in the end 9 girls had something stolen from them. What a first day huh? Today went okay, I had such small classes because everyone is gone there isn't to much to do with them. One class of 8 did what they wanted. Some played tennis and other just kicked a soccer ball against the wall. My last class of the day we were trying to play kickball but they were just all sitting around so we played dodgeball instead and well that went over better but well not as well as I would have liked it but what are you going to do....

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