Today I'm on my own for the first time. I mean I have run class before but today I get to chose what we do and when we do it. There are 2 subs and they are both pretty nice. One is WAY COOL, definitely someone that I would hang out with on a daily basis. We have a lot in common. The other is nice but she talks WAY to much. You kinda want to punch her sometimes. We were all talking and I was telling them about some of the stuff that they need to know for the classes that I don't have with them and it was like as soon as I was taking a breath to breathe she was jumping in on the story and then she would laugh after that. Kinda pissed me off but I only have her once a day which isn't to bad I guess
Tim got an abscess under his armpit like me. Well I've had 4 of them. It is basically like a big pocket of puss that has no where to go so it collects under your skin causing a lot of pain, pressure, and immobility. In order to fix them you have to get them to pop. You always hope that they will pop on their own but well normally they don't so you have to go and get them cut. I just want to remind you that your armpit is a very sensitive area to be around even when there is nothing wrong. So what they do is take a needle to numb it up. They tell you that it is going to be a slight sting and a burn, THEY LIE when they tell you this. After you are numb they come at you with a scaple and cut where they think the head is and watch and push all the stuff out of your armpit. They pack it with gauze so that it continues to drain and tell you to come back tomorrow so they can do the whole thing all over again, which is what T had to do. I feel so bad for him cause I know what it feels like. They gave him better drugs though, but we are thinking about selling the extras to help pay for our Paris/Germany trip (joke).
So guess who is pregnant? No not me, Eric and his girlfriend. Eric was the best man at our wedding and he and his girlfriend are having a baby. She is about 3 months along and we are just finding out now. I think what happened is that she was unsure if she was pregnant or not. I know that when I get stressed out my cycle and flow are all screwed up. Anyways they have plans to get married but no time soon. His gf (C) is still in school and if they get married it will mess up her finicial aid because he makes a fair amount of money. All you college kids know that finicial aid is based on your income earnings. So they are trying to figure out when they are going to get married because we have to be there for that wedding, but if Tim goes to the desert it will have to be after the new year which means she will have already had the baby. It would be nice cause we might actually get to meet this one soon. So far we haven't meet 3 people in our family. We have 2 nieces that we haven't met and a godchild we haven't met. I get upset about it at times but I have to remember that they aren't my kids and the situation will probably be the same when we start to have kids. I mean no one is going to see our kids either if we are over seas unless they come to visit. There is still so much stuff to do before I want to have kids. I need to travel a little more and get a real job. Tired of these Mickey Mouse jobs. So on that note....
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