Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bucket List Item #82 - Get a 3rd tattoo - CHECK!

I have a thing for turtles and I love sea turtles and I'm a really big fan of the Polynesian and Hawaiian tattoo styles. I have a wave on my right leg and I really like that one so I knew I wanted something similar when it came to this tattoo. 

We knew we were going to Hawaii this year so I started looking for what kind of design I wanted last fall. My best friend Christine also has 'a guy' for tattoos and hooked me up with the friendly price (thanks Chris & Kory, my tattoo artist). I email Chris, who emailed Kory the few designs that I had in mind but at the same time I wanted something original, and that's exactly what I got. 

When I showed up Kory hadn't drawn anything. I told him what I wanted and off he went. Originally it was going to be one turtle with wavy kinda stuff around it. Then one turtle turned into three turtles, one big one and 2 smaller ones. But we were having problems coming up with small turtles that we both liked. 

 In the end we decided to go with one big turtle (the top one) and one slightly smaller turtle (the bottom one). I also really wanted some hibiscus flowers in there as well along with some other tribal/girly looking designs.
 It took about 2 and half hours but totally worth it. Tim was taking pictures of my pain as I was getting tattooed. When Kory got down around the ankle it hurt really bad and about the last 20 minutes I hit my pain wall. Those last little finishing touches were brutal, but worth it. The whole thing is black and white, there is some gray shading in there as well.

It's healing up nicely. I'll take another picture when all of my skin stops falling off. Right now it is also pretty itchy and I'm doing my best not to scratch it but it looks awesome. I'm totally in love with it. I want another one. Maybe I'll get that big sting ray on my back that I have thinking about for a few years now. We'll see, until then, I'll enjoy this one.

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