Thursday, September 20, 2007


So Tim says to me the other day, when we were talking about something random, that we leave in 6 months. OMG, I haven't even begun to go through my stuff to see what I need to throw away. My stuff isn't to bad but Tim's got a lot of stuff since we have moved here. Like I said, I'm no saint either but well, I think he has more stuff. I have to start writing down serial numbers and model numbers so if something gets broken in the move I know what it was and all that other fun mumbo jumbo.

I have started the Biggest Loser Diet. I love it, they tell me what to eat which has always been a problem when I have done diets in the past. I always got tired of eating eggs for breakfast everyday. I mean you can only do so much to eggs ya know. Anyways, my only deal is getting Tim's food straight. He is training for a half marathon in December and obviously needs more calories since he is running like 15 miles a week or something like that. So I posted a the question on the forum at the Biggest Loser site and what they suggested is what I have been doing pretty much. Obvisouly giving him more food. So anyways that is that.

I don't understand the fasanation with those gator shoes. Ya know the ones that you wear that look like clogs with holes in the top. I guess I don't mind them but what is the point of putting little pins on the top. I thought the point of them was so that your feet could air out, and now you are putting something in the holes so that you don't get the air circulation that you should if they were open. Anyways, my random thought for the day. Running off...

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