Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Mood

Not sure what it was that pissed me off yesterday but I was in a really bad mood. Maybe hormones, but who knows? I was just irriated by just about everything yesterday. People who call in all the time piss me off and then nothing happens to them. I call in when I'm accutally sick and well I get written up. What kind of messed up system is that? I don't understand it either.

On a better note I found a Christmas present for myself. It is a new table for scrapbooking. I have been having really bad neck pain for a while now (another reason I'm trying to lose weight) and when I'm constantly looking down it hurts my neck. So I'm buying an easel table. I'm excited and it is under a $100. Even better. Anyways, just thought I would write. Off to workout, if I can find a clean sports bra.

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