Saturday, September 08, 2007

Long time no write

So I know that it has been a long time since I last wrote in here but like I say all the time, I'm going to try and be better about posting, but there can be no promises.

It seems that everyone is having a kid these days or already had a kid. Just an observation. I feel kinda left behind but I guess that is my choice. Tim and I still want to see some stuff before we have children. My MIL doesn't like when I call children "kids". Not sure why sometimes but whatever right?

We are moving to Fairford, which is still in England just about 3 hours from here and it is tiny little base. Tim and I aren't ready to come back to the states yet, still want to see a few more countries while we have to opportunity, hence the no kids thing again. We don't know how long we are going to be there but it is suppose to be for 4 years but that maybe cut short due to base closings, but only time will tell that.

I just got my invitation in the mail today for my uncle's wedding in October that we are going to be going to. We will be home from the 18-23. It is a short trip but we will all be together again.

There isn't to much else going on. Tim and I were in Germany b/c he was getting eye surgury. He no long has to wear glasses. I was only there for about 4 days and he was there for just over a week. Everything went well and his vision gets better and better with each passing day. He had PRK, which is simliar to lasic (spelling) but still slightly different. Not going to go into details about it but this was his only option. So after 3 years of waiting, Tim no long has to wear glasses again. Oh yeah, and if any of you guys get to go to Germany, it is beautiful. I wish I could live there.

Work still sucks, still at the commissary, trying to get a teaching job but my paperwork is stuck in security clearance in England. Damn security clearance. Oh well, I have waited this long, a little or alot longer isn't going to kill me. Okay, I'm all done. Until next time...


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