Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Homeward Bound

So the time is fast approaching to us going home to NY. We have recently fouund out that there will be no wedding. Why? Well the bride wants to lose more baby weight before she gets married, at least that is what we were told anyways. So I guess they are going to wait til next year but we probably won't be going home for that, at least we don't have any plans to go home. My mom is flying us home in October for my uncle's wedding but I think I have mentioned that already.

Lisa is coming to see me while I'm home, I'm very excited. She is almost finished with PA school and will start her rotations come the fall. She is going to be in Albany for the whole first weekend that we are there, so that is very exciting and if you know us we always have a good time.

I just got my Yankee tickets for the Yankee v. Red Sox game today. Yes I have tickets to that game and what a game it is going to be. I paid a pretty penny for them ($350 for both) but I know that it will be worth it in the end. I'm REALLY excited about this.

Right now I'm ready to cut my nose off, damn sinuses. I hate them. I didn't get any sleep last night cause Tim said that I was snorring when I normally don't. So everytime I would get right to that state of nice good sleep Tim would wake me up to tell me to stop snorring. Damn nose! So today it has been draining then clogging up again then draining and the cycle continues, it sucks, oh yeah and it has given me a headache all day as well. I'm not sure I would wish this on anyone. Maybe one day I can get them fixed.

Tim got his first set of clients this past weekend for his new photography business. I'm not sure I would call it a business yet but in due time it will be. He did these for free so that he could get some practice. He took pictures of a 3 y.o boy and a 3 y.o. girl. It was interesting and we both learned alot. He has got about 3 boy scout troops that he is doing at the end of the month on a campout so they should be interesting.

Not much else going on...so until next time...

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