Friday, April 27, 2007

Adventures in Business

I looked at my blog this afternoon and realized that I have not updated in a while so I figured that I would do that now.

Life has been really busy here lately. Not sure if you know but Tim is in school for photography in the hopes of becoming a photographer when he gets out as his life #2 after the Air Force. Well that is quickly becoming a reality sooner than he expected. He started with one camera several years ago and has not aquired (not sure if I spelled that correctly but whatever) a total of 3 plus 4 lens for the camera, a tripod, 3 camera bags all of various sizes, studio equipment to include lights, backgrounds, and stands. A very expensive hobby but he is good at it. We all know that you are your own worst critic and that is so true of Tim.

Anyways, he said that he would take pictures for this guy that he works with, well his little girl actually. Living in England isn't cheap and it isn't like we can go to KMart and get pictures done for like $20 or something like you can at home. The exchange rate is through the roof right now at $2.05 for each pound. Sucks for buying anything off base. So back to the story. Tim took pictures of this guy's kid for free. Ya know to get some practice, also to get use to taking pictures of people other than me and the dogs. This girl was 3 BTW. The parents pick out like 20 or so odd pictures and they both seemed really pleased. Well a few days later this guy comes back to Tim and says do you have a business card, I told my friend about you and they want pictures done as well. Well then the fumbling begins.

Once you get a business card you need an email address and webpage to go along with it. Then business cards need to be printed up and cut or do you order them? Which is cheaper? Then you have to come up for a name for your business, it is TAR Studios.

Poor Tim has been scrambling for the last few weeks because of this that just kinda fell into his lap, he is still behind from all the stuff that happened while he was in the desert, we are suppose to go home in 2 weeks and we are not any where near ready for that, he still has to finish school up and he would like to have that done before we go home and lions and tigers and bears, OH MY! Anyways, it is a bit over whelming at times and finding time to do anything fun is difficult or really doing anything together is difficult because we are always so busy doing well whatever.

Tim is going camping with the boy scouts and is taking pictures for them. He is going to be taking separate portraits of all of dens and then one big group pictures of all the packs. It will be so cute. I wish I had more pictures of Tim when he was a baby but I know that after the first kid it is hard to take pictures of the others. I know there are more pictures of me than there are of my sister. I vow to take just as many pictures of each of my children, that is when I get some. Maybe at the next base. If I got pregnant now that means that I would have the kid around January and we are suppose to leave in the beginning of February and I really don't want to be traveling with a newborn then trying to find a house, unpack it, etc. Moving sucks to begin with anyways, why add an additional stress to all of it.

So I'm home alone with the puppies this weekend while Tim is out taking pictures. Fun for me. Maybe I can get a bunch of scrapbooking done. Yesterday I was on Tim's computer picking out pictures that I want to print so that I can scrap them. I didn't realize till now just how many pictures we really have. There are folders upon folders of pictures then there are folders within folders. That is probably the one thing that I hate about digital photography, forgeting about printing pictures. So I'm putting the ones that I wanted printed on a disc and when I get home I'm going to WalMart and getting them all printed. I know as soon as I do that people are going to want to steal them from me. I forsee several trips to WalMart for this purpose. But that's okay, WalMart is great and I'm excited to step foot in there again.

So I'm sure I've said enough. We leave for 2 weeks on the 14th of May. I'll try and write in here before we go but we all know my track record with this...

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