I did this project in 2008 and I completed most of it. I was pretty good about uploading everyday and keeping up with my progress on my blog. You can see Week In the Life 2008 here. I really wanted to do this project the years that followed but in 2009 I was pregnant and totally miserable and was lucky if I even picked up my camera. I REALLY wanted to do it last year as it would have been very interesting since we had Max but when Ali was doing it we were getting ready for our international move and the timing was very wrong. So this is the year that I get to do it again. I think I'm ready.
I have been taking a break from my camera (and my Project Life is suffering from this) mostly because it is REALLY hot here in OKC (like we are on day 30 of over 100 degrees) and doing anything is a chore, or so it feels like it. So I'm ready.
I'm still debating whether or not I'm going to use Ali's templates that she has, I do have last year's already bought. I seem to be a year behind with her as in I buy the year before templates as she is using new ones. I'm still up in the air, but the first week is all about taking the pictures and writing the stories. It will come together on the computer the following week which means we get paid which = I may buy this year's templates instead of using last years.
I have come a long way from the first time that I have done this. I learned from my "mistakes" and know how to print things easier and how to use Photo Shop a little better. I also have decided to probably have these printed through a company as opposed to printing them at home. I did that last time and I wasnt' totally happy with the results, at least looking back at the pictures now I'm not overly happy about the pictures but I'm not changing it.
The first time this was done I was in England and I love the pictures now, looking back. I'm so glad that I did this and it brings back many happy memories of being over there and how different it is compared to being in the states. I miss England.
This year my goal is going to be capturing our routine or lack there of. Some of the things that I want to include are the current prices and number of things for example the cost of a gallon of milk, gas prices, how many diapers I change in a day, how hot is it outside, how many pictures I took, how many times we watch a kid's show vs. and adult show, how many times the dogs got let outside, etc. I'm still also going to keep track of the time as in what time Max got up, what time I got up, what time we ate our meals, what time Tim got home from work, etc.
So I'm going to be printing the free daily templates from Ali to help me out with all of my stuff. Trying to stay totally organized is going to be my challenge as my room is a mess, I mean a TOTAL mess but hey, who knows, that might be part of my week next week, cleaning my room. Probably not, I want to clean it up this weekend so when it is time to sit down, I'm not over whelmed by the mess. So join me if you like. It is a super cool project. Can't wait to see how this turns out but whatever it looks like or becomes it will be a glimpse in our life.
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