Thursday, February 03, 2011

Snow Days

Tim went back to work on Monday only to work one day and then has been off the last 3 for the all the snow that Oklahoma has been having. It is has worked out in that he has had more time to study for Master (which he takes in about a week). Here is Tim taking Max "sledding".

Max fell in the snow face first so that is why there is snow a coldness all over him. I felt bad that he fell in the snow, but at the same time it was kinda funny.
Tim pushing Max down our street in the make shift sled. Max loved it, he laughed each and every time he went.
Max after one of his runs. We didn't stay outside very long as it was cold and the wind was blowing. You can see Max's rosy cheeks here a little. You could really see them when we brought him back in the house.
Tim is suppose to go back to work tomorrow. There is still a lot of very hard packed/ice snow. The funny part is that we are suppose to more snow on Friday and probably through the weekend. I think Monday has been predicted for snow too. Fun times...and it was 75 on Saturday last week.

1 comment:

Chris said...

We loved watching the videos! The kids all giggled as Max went in his "sled". They wish we could all be together playing in the snow and freezing. lol We really miss you guys!