Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Reverb 10 | Prompt 4 | Wonder

Prompt 4

Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?

Wonder...Well I'm trying not to bring everything back to being a mom but really this year was all about that. I have never been one before and I wondered whether I was going to be a good one or not. I still don't feel like it is all real to me yet but I try to encourage Max everyday to do and explore some new, to wonder about it later. I let him play with things that he is curious about like the Tupperware cabinet, it kept him busy for hours yesterday, and I myself have being trying new things throughout the year. This goes back to trying to finish all the projects that I have started. :-)
I wonder how things are going to turn out for us as a family. Will we stay here in OK? What is Max going to be when he grows up? When am I going back to work? How is everything to work out with my parents' divorce? Just some thoughts or my current wonderings...

1 comment:

Shaina said...

When you use Blurb, you download their program onto your computer, then it "slurps" your blog posts into that program. Then you spend time tweaking each page, making pictures bigger, moving things around, etc. Once you are happy with everything, you "slurp" it back and then order your book!
They only include your posts. The sidebar, the comments, the blog topper....they are not included. However, you can add whatever you want, just by adding a page and importing more pictures or info.

Good luck, and thanks for following my blog! Your little guy is a cutie!