Friday, December 03, 2010

Reverb 10 | Prompt 2 | Writing

Prompt 2
Writing. What do you do each day that does not contribute to your writing - can you eliminate it?

Each day I try and write for Max but sometimes he is the reason that I can't write. I use to blog more and do more stuff around the house but I'm home each day taking care of Max so it makes doing things for me a little harder. It is all a balancing act. There are some day that I don't come near a computer because I'm busy chasing an 11 month old around the house. He is getting so fast with crawling these days I can barely keep up.

But I look forward to the days where Tim can take the reins even for a few hours so I can steal some time in my studio to get caught up on whatever needs to get done creatively. I hope for more time in the future as Max gets older and a little more independent. Love you Big Boy and I wouldn't trade this time with you for anything in the world.

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