Friday, May 21, 2010

Good-bye Old Friend

Well our time here is coming to a close rather quickly. I don't like it but I'm ready to leave and start the next chapter of this life journey. Before I go I have a few good-byes to say. The first one is to my car. Yes, that's right, you can't forget your car. The old girl has been good to us, so good that I would buy a Honda anytime day or night. They are good quality cars that you can beat the shit out of and they still work.

Our 1993 Honda Accord was bought from a guy that Tim worked with when we were at Lakenheath for $2000. We have more than gotten our money's worth out of her. She has been to so many place to include but not limited to Liverpool, Nottingham (Robin Hood country), London, London Gatwick airport, London Heathrow airport, London Standstead airport, Bristol, Bristol airport, Birmingham (several times), Norwich, Cambridge, Oxford, Wales (the country..several times), and well a few more places but I can't remember them all right now. We bought the car with 98K miles on it and it will be close to 180K when we give it away. Yes give it away. See, the old girl is on her last leg. She just needs to make it another 10 days before we have to go.

She has a few problems that aren't really worth fixing so we aren't sure what is going to happen to her. Currently she has an oil leak, the back quarter panel is being held down by duct tape, the passenger side window is off the track thus you can't put it down, the back passenger side window will go down but not up thus you can't put it down either, it needs 4 new tires, the driver's side mirror is being held in place by a 2p coin, there is a dent in the front quarter panel that every time you open the door the light pops out, the front speakers are blown, the breaks are squeaking, and the CV joints are leaking and loose, to name a few things. So needless to say there is to much wrong with it to save it. Poor girl....
But as with all things in life it must come to an end. Thanks for all the good times we've had over the 5 years that we had you. You were good to us and you will truly be missed. My first of many good-byes that I have say before I leave this country. It's almost time to cry.

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