Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Long Time No See/Post

Okay, so it has been a while since I have posted. There are a few "small" things that have happened since the last time we all spoke.

1. I quit my job (see #2 for reason)
2. I had a baby boy, Maximus....Max for short.

But since I quit my job there are a few things that I'm looking forward to doing. #1 Staying home with my son and #2 Taking more time to get caught up on the stuff that I have slacked on for the last year or 8 months or so. I have stayed up to date on reading everyone else's blog but have seriously slacked on mine. Everyone is doing all of these cool projects and I have done nothing for many many months. So in kicking off the new year I need to pick my work for the year. Last year I chose to Simplify my life. This year my word is Determined.

I am Determined to finish all those projects that I have half done. I am Determined to lose most if not all of this baby weight that I gained. I am Determined to save more money this year for both the family and for Max. I am Determined to make move in June as smooth as possible. I am Determined to keep up with my blog. I am Determined to keep up with all of my pictures on my blog, my Facebook, and my house. DETERMINED!!!

1 comment:

Gris said...

Welcome back...we'll stick to it together!! Hope you're doing well. Max is a doll!