Thursday, February 05, 2009

Snow Day #2 + My blond moment

So we got 4 inches of snow last night and I had a blond moment. Yes, this is my car. I left the door open last night while it snowed. This is the inside. What a bonehead move as my father would say. Oh well, we all have them at one point or another. This will go down with the rice story.
4 inches of snow = no work for me


A Dreama said...

ok, hope you have a shovel. Tim will love that one, and it will be on the books with the rice story. I have too many of those memories to yet write about.

A Dreama said...

we had snow here yesterday but didn't have time to shoot any pics and now it is all gone. the lake pic is gorgeous. i know dakota loves it. probably ate it. too bad he didn't take a swim in the lake but most likely it is frozen over