Friday, February 27, 2009

German Vaction in Nut shell

Our vacation wasn't really much of a vacation. I feel good that I helped some friends out but at the same time I really wanted to do something fun. To kinda make this story somewhat short, I'm going to give you the short version.

I arrived Wednesday. I had to wait at the airport for 3 hours for Tim to pick me up because his teacher was being an ass although there was another girl that got to leave at 10 a.m. that same day to pick her family up. Not fair but whatever. Wednesday night we go out to dinner, with the 'Posse' (Tim's group of friends that he made) at this little Mom and Pop place with REALLY good German food.

Thursday is graduation day. Tim had school for a little while that morning. I did laundry and packed while he was gone. He didn't really care for any of the dresses that I had borrowed, so we went out and found a skirt top outfit that looked really nice. Went to graduation, no one fell or stumbled which surprised me cause there was ALOT of drinking going on. We stay up late and party.

Friday we check out of hotel, pack the truck the best we can and go shopping. Tim slightly hung over from the night before so shopping becomes a bit much for him so he goes and takes a nap while I continue to shop. Got a few baby presents and some DVD box sets. Tim scheduled massages for us and mine was AMAZING!!! The guy that did me was great. Loved it!! Great surprise Tim! After massages we head to our friend's house about an hour away. Arrive at Kim's around 9 p.m. We stay up late and talk then bed.

Saturday we go shopping for food. She really didn't have much. I told her I would cook for her and fill the freezer so she and Doug (her husband) didn't have to do much when the baby came. Kim is (was) 9 months pregnant. We buy food, come home and I cook most of the day.

Sunday is pretty much the same. Had to run back to the store because of course I forgot a few things for the recipes that I wanted to make. Stupid shit like bay leaves for beef stew or just regular salt. Again, most of Sunday is spent cooking and just catching up.

Monday Kim has a doctor's appointment. This is where things get interesting. We go to the Dr., they do an ultrasound and said the fluid around the baby is low and to make this really long story short, she ended up staying in the hospital. They were going to induce labor. They do this now by shooting this jelly sort of stuff up your whoo-ha that is suppose to make your cervix contract. It kinda reminded me of a turkey baster.

Tuesday-Thursday Tim stayed home with their 4 y.o. daughter while I went back and forth to the hospital and home. I would cook breakfast before I left and when I came home I cleaned up the dishes from the day (their dishwasher wasn't working). Thursday night Doug showed up.

Friday Doug went to the hospital and I finally got to stay home with Tim. Doug came back a few hours later and said that Kim wasn't going to have the baby for another 3 days. Go figure, we didn't get to meet the first one right off the bat, might as well keep with the trend right? We ran errands with Doug, went and saw Kim and that was about it.

Saturday we got up, kinda did nothing most of the afternoon. Packed the car and drove home, but not before stopping in Brugge for some Belgium chocolate. We bought, and mostly ate, a bunch of chocolate like you get in the big Valentine Day hearts. They were GOOD too!! We bought some stuff for the people that watched the dogs. Will post pictures of them, the chocolate that we bought.

So that's it. Nothing really exciting. Kim had the baby Sunday morning by C-section. Geneieve Marie 7lb 14 oz. 19 3/4 inches long. Good luck to all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like you were busy, busy! Hope you had a great time and welcome back home!
