Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Current Issues

My current issues
  1. My wireless thing still isn't working and there is no one here to fix it. Please don't give me advice on turning it off, plug it in while standing on your head and drinking water or any other "tips" that you know of to fix this cause I have tried them all. I'm at the point I'm ready to throw the computer through the wall, at least my computer
  2. My room is again a total mess to the point where I really think I need to buy some more storage type units. But I want them to be different. I want them to be kinda designie (yes that's a word, I just thought of it) but have function too. I need to hit up the antique stores, might do that today if they are open.
  3. I have to many projects to count and I'm like Jojo the idiot circus boy to the point where I can't stay focused on just one. I want to scrapbook then I want to paint, then I want to sew and then I see the mess the dogs made in the hallway and I need to do that as well as clean the bathroom, which I really don't want to do, but I'm so scatter brained I don't know what to do. My kitchen is a mess too.
  4. I'm tired and I'm ready to go back to sleep but I have to many thing that I need/want to do (see above #3)
  5. A shower might be in order today, feel kinda gross.
  6. There is nothing on TV and I'm not sure why I don't just put a movie it, I think it is laziness to be honest with you.
  7. I need to go through my emails again. I did this last weekend and reduced it from 27 pages of old email to about 7. I keep stuff with ever intention to read it, like the jokes that get sent to me but I'm lazy and it never works out that way. Right now I have 9 pages, I just cleaned email out last week. Sad I know

Think that is all for now. Might come back again later to say if I have done any of the above, more than likely I'm going to do #4 again...tomorrow is MLK day so NO WORK!! Yeah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, who writes your material, too funny. I am going to pee my pants one day and send you the laundry, ought to REALLY ripe by then. Hope you got that email list down to aleast 2 pages, how DO YOU let it get that bad.....I thought you were a melancholy, like order and all the such stuff.....must be a mutation. Later.... Love Mom