Monday, July 14, 2008

So Long Time No Post = Catch up Time

Ya know what I really hate. I hate that I have all those 'blogs I read everyday' on my little sidebar and really only about 2 people do it often enough for me to read everyday or so. Yet I'm the hypocritic over here and haven't posted in about 2-3 weeks, but I have many reasons/excuses for not doing so. Let's start from the beginning.

1. I threw my back out standing up from a chair. Really? How sad I know but what are you going to do. I was out on the couch for a week or so doped up on pain killers and muscle relaxers. I don't remember much of the week so if I talked to you don't be surprised if I don't remember what I said to you or what you said to me. I'm better now though.

2. I had house guests all this past week. My friend from Lakenheath and her clan came down for the week to use our house as a B&B and went to see some of the sites in our area. It was GREAT to have them down here as I don't have many friends here to hang out with. I miss them so, only 3 hours away.

3. After my first set of houseguests left I had another one come by. He was Tim's friend from Lakenheath that came down to take pictures of the air show that got CANCELLED for the first time in 38 years. It was such a disappointment, I was really kinda excited about all of it this year as RIAT (Royal International Air Tatoo) is the biggest military air show in the WORLD!! It was cancelled due to rain, oh and not one the days of the air shows, the rain that came was the week before. It bascially flooded the parking lot with about 4-6 inches of water so you basically got out of your car and stepped in calf high water.

4. I have also been sewing, trying to finish up some stuff so that I can start making my Xmas presents when that fabric gets here. Nothing like having fabric that is doing nothing cause you are to slow to get to it. On that same note my sewing machine has about had it. I can't wait to get my new of these days.

Other than that, nothing really to report. Update on the truck. I found out that my deductible through my insurance company is $250 and the mirror is only $80 so in the end I'm going to have to pay for this one out of pocket or $250 for someone over here to do it. I think Tim is going to end up doing it in the end. Okay, off for now.

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