Monday, March 19, 2007

Another update of random stuff

It has been a while since I updated this because I was moving my room from across the hall, but I think that mostly it is because I have been lazy and well there hasn't been a whole lot going on. My house has 4 bedroom, really more like 3 1/2 so I used the 1/2 bedroom as my office. It was working for a while but as I got more into scrapbooking it started to kinda take over the room and it was pretty much bad enough to say that I didn't have any room to scrap. The 3rd largest bedroom was the guest room, which we have none of cause people don't want or can't afford to come and see us so it just sits there. So Tim and I figured for the amount of people that come to see us the room doesn't get used much so why not just switch rooms, which we did. The full size bed just fits in the other room. The other room or half room is a weird shape, it is in the shape of an L. So we put the bed in the long part of the L (obviously) and there is about an inch on each side. Cutting it close but it works. I'm also happier in my new room.

Dakoda was neutered (spelling) about 2 weeks ago. I have seen some change in his behavior, hopefully over time he will calm down a bit more, that is the hope anyways. You know those spaniel breed, crazy dogs.

We bought our tickets to come home to the states. We are going to be there from the 14th - 28th. My parents have also said that they would fly Tim and I home for a week in October for my uncle Kenny's wedding. It is suppose to be a BIG wedding. His fiance is 40, the only girl, and never been married before. The old man is going all out. There is prime rib and chicken for dinner, a 6 piece band, and open bar all night. It should be a good time. Dad was saying that there is suppose to be about 150+ people there.

Dad will also be coming home from Iraq for good in July. He and mom are going to stay in RI for about a month or so and then go home and take care of the house and stuff. The house needs to be painted they have to do some stuff to the cars, the pool hasn't been opened in like 3 years so that needs to be taken care of. All of that stuff will take about a month if not longer to take care of. By that time it will be time for the wedding and my family will be all together again. Seems like the only time that we get everyone together is for weddings, furneals, and the reunion every year.

Not much else to really report I guess until next time.

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